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Understanding Cognitive Distortions: A Cornerstone of CBT Therapy

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) has long been recognized as a gold standard in mental health treatment, with its roots spreading widely across therapy sessions from a multitude of genres. One critical aspect of CBT is the identification and correction of cognitive distortions, those pesky thinking traps that can lead to unnecessary stress, anxiety, and even depression. But why must we understand these distortions, and how do they play such an integral role in one’s mental well-being?

The Mind’s Eye: The Role of Perception

Our mental health is intricately linked to how we interpret and perceive the world. Perception molds our behavior, emotions, and our subsequent well-being or distress. Imagine, if you will, a pair of tinted glasses gifted by your past experiences, upbringing, and societal influences. These lenses alter what you see and how you see it. Cognitive distortions are the scratches, smudges, and tints on these lenses that skew reality.

Common Cognitive Distortions Exposed

To equate cognitive distortions with unfortunate roadblocks to rational thinking and well-being is not far from the truth. Understanding these distortions provides clarity on how they create unrest and offers a starting point for their correction.

  1. All-or-Nothing Thinking – Seeing things in black-and-white categories, often leading to an inability to see gray areas or the middle ground.
  2. Overgeneralization – Taking a single negative event as a never-ending pattern of defeat.
  3. Mental Filtering – Dwelling exclusively on the negatives and ignoring the positives.
  4. Disqualifying the Positive – Rejecting positive experiences by insisting that they “don’t count” for arbitrary reasons.
  5. Jumping to Conclusions – Mind reading (assuming the intentions of others) and fortune-telling (predicting outcomes negatively with little or no empirical evidence).
  6. Magnification (Catastrophizing) and Minimization – Exaggerating the importance of things (events, mistakes, or concession to others), or inappropriately shrinking their significance.
  7. Personalization – Believing that everything others do or say is some kind of direct, personal reaction to you.

Distortions Corrected: The Benefits of Challenging Your Thoughts

Unhealthy thinking patterns can become deeply entrenched and automatic, leading to a reduction in one’s quality of life. When we challenge these distortions, we free ourselves from the chains of negative self-talk. By questioning the validity of our thoughts and perceptions, we often find they hold as much substance as a paper-thin wall. Once you’re able to dispute and replace your thoughts, you hold the power to change the way you feel.

Cognitive Restructuring: Building Mental Resilience

CBT introduces the profound practice of cognitive restructuring, a framework that guides individuals through challenging their cognitive distortions. Through this process, we learn to identify and reframe our thinking in more realistic, balanced, and constructive ways. For example, when all-or-nothing thinking creeps in, we learn to look for shades of experience between the extremes.

Why It Works: The Science Behind Distortion Correction

The beauty of CBT lies not only in its philosophical underpinnings but in its empirical validation. Countless studies have demonstrated the efficacy of CBT in treating a range of mental health disorders. By addressing cognitive distortions head-on, CBT empowers individuals to eventually become theirown therapists!

We’re Here To Help!

If you or someone you know is struggling with mental health challenges, it may be time to consider CBT as a constructive path forward. And remember, therapists equipped with CBT skills can assist you in navigating difficult emotions.

At GroundWork, we’re proud to be an exclusively CBT based practice, only using evidence-based therapeutic treatments. Our clinicians have specific training, and specialize in CBT techniques to help individuals improve their overall well-being and address struggles such as anxiety, and depression. We understand that taking the first step towards therapy can be daunting, but know that our team is here to support and guide you through your journey of challenging unhelpful thinking, and achieving a healthier mindset. We truly believe in the power of CBT and its ability to transform lives for the better.

Ready To Make A Change?

GroundWork is proud to offer both in-person &
virtual Telehealth appointments.

In-Person Sessions: Central Florida
Virtual Sessions: Florida, Maine, South Carolina, Montana, Vermont



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We learn about your goals and struggles, and match you with a specialized therapist



Whether in person or virtual, you’ll start meeting with a specialized therapist to make lasting change



CBT and ERP are goal-oriented and solution focused; it doesn’t take long to notice big changes

Where You’ve Seen Us

Our clinicians are experts in the field and contributors to important conversations about mental health.

We specialize in evidence-based therapy for...

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD)
Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD)
Social Anxiety Disorder
Panic Attacks & Panic Disorder
Specific Phobias
Hair Pulling & Skin Picking
Separation Anxiety & School Refusal
CBIT for Tics & Tourettes
Depression & Emotional Regulation
Body Image & Eating Disorders
Child & Teen Challenges

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Contact Us & Location
GroundWork Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
341 N Maitland Ave #330
Maitland, FL 32751


411 Congress St #3292
Portland, ME 04101

Burlington, VT 05043

Virtual & In-Person Appointments

Virtual / Telehealth appointments available for individuals residing in: Florida, Maine, Vermont, South Carolina & Montana

In-person appointments available in Central Florida. By appointment only.

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