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Living with panic attacks can feel like being marooned in the stormiest of seas without a compass. The waves of panic can seemingly come out of nowhere, and before you know it, you’re caught in a cycle of fear and physical discomfort. When traditional coping mechanisms falter, many turn to Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT). In this detailed guide, we explore how CBT can be the lighthouse in your storm, illuminating a pathway to peace.

Understanding Panic Attacks: The Grip of the Unseen

Panic attacks are more than just intense moments of fear; they’re a full-scale alarm on your body’s emergency broadcast system. Your heart races, you struggle to breathe, and a sense of impending doom can overpower your rational mind. For those who experience these episodes, the unpredictability and severity of panic attacks are as frightening as the attacks themselves.

In a world where stressors can be as unpredictable as the attacks, there’s a palpable need for a robust and consistent response strategy. That’s where CBT steps in.

CBT Decoded: Your Cognitive Lifeboat

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy is a well-established talk therapy focused on understanding how our thoughts (cognitions) affect our behavior and emotions. By identifying and restructuring negative thought patterns, CBT seeks to break the catastrophic cycle that fuels panic attacks.

What to Expect from CBT for Panic

A typical CBT session involves unpacking your thoughts and feelings during a panic attack. You work with your therapist to identify ‘trigger’ thoughts or scenarios that lead to panic. Through a series of exercises and mental rehearsals, CBT equips you with the tools to handle these triggers calmly.

But it doesn’t stop there; CBT is also about practical applications. You’ll learn also learn and practice desensitization to feared situations. The goal isn’t just to weather the current storm but to weatherproof your mental and emotional architecture from within.

Finding the Right Help: Navigating the CBT Seascape

Just as not all boats weather the same storm equally, not all CBT treatments are created equal. Finding the right therapist is paramount. Here’s how you can embark on your CBT journey:

Anchors, Not Traps – Choosing a Therapist

Look for a therapist who not only specializes in CBT but has experience with panic disorders. Your therapist should feel like an anchor, a stable and supportive force in your life—not a trap, a confining or limiting aspect of your recovery.

Maps for Your Journey – Structured Programs

Structured CBT programs have a curriculum that can guide and track your progress. They often include support materials and exercises you can do between sessions, acting as maps in this uncharted voyage towards control. Homework and ‘practice’ is often a large part of CBT therapy.

Embracing Technology – The Virtual Revolution

New frontiers in therapy are being charted through virtual platforms. Telehealth appointments are redefining access to specialized care. They are part of a new wave of mental health tools designed to increase the visibility of clinical help for mental health.

Crafting Your Personalized Recovery: Combining CBT with Other Strategies

In nautical terms, no ship sails on a single gust of wind.

CBT can be enhanced by complementary strategies that foster a holistic approach to healing. Here’s a look at other tools you might include in your metaphoric ‘mental tool belt’:

Mindfulness: The Art of Being Present

Mindfulness practices anchor your experiences in the present, diminishing the power of past traumas or future worries to trigger panic. It’s about observing rather than reacting—transcending the cycle of anticipation and dread that can lead to attacks.

Nutrition and Exercise: Sustaining Your Resilience

Physical health and mental well-being are inexorably linked. Regular exercise, a balanced diet, and avoiding triggers like caffeine or sugar can help regulate your body and mind.

Lifestyle Adjustments: Navigating Clearer Waters

Organizational skills, time management, and balanced workloads can reduce stress and the cortisol levels that can contribute to panic. It’s about crafting a lifestyle that primes you for a more serene existence.

Your Compass, Your Course

As you embark on your CBT journey, remember that seeking help for panic attacks is an act of courage, not weakness. You’re not alone in this experience, and there are tools, therapies, and fellow travelers out there ready to ahoy your ship towards calmer seas.

When the waves of anxiety crest overhead, hold fast to the techniques and strategies you’ve learned—your cognitive lifeboat is equipped to weather the storm. And just beyond the panic lies a horizon defined by resilience, peace, and a reclamation of the control you’ve yearned for. At GroundWork Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) in Orland, we’re here to help you gain valuable skills so that you can overcome panic.

Ready To Make A Change?

GroundWork is proud to offer both in-person &
virtual Telehealth appointments.

In-Person Sessions: Central Florida
Virtual Sessions: Florida, Maine, South Carolina, Montana, Vermont



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Whether in person or virtual, you’ll start meeting with a specialized therapist to make lasting change



CBT and ERP are goal-oriented and solution focused; it doesn’t take long to notice big changes

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Contact Us & Location
GroundWork Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
341 N Maitland Ave #330
Maitland, FL 32751


411 Congress St #3292
Portland, ME 04101

Burlington, VT 05043

Virtual & In-Person Appointments

Virtual / Telehealth appointments available for individuals residing in: Florida, Maine, Vermont, South Carolina & Montana

In-person appointments available in Central Florida. By appointment only.

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